
Spájacia platforma pre odborníkov v oblasti lekárskej diagnostiky

MEDLAB West Africa

Date : 10 Oct, 2018

Erba welcomes you to Medlab West Africa exhibition wherein we will be showcasing total solutions in Quality Diagnostics - Instruments, Reagents and Laboratory Automations.

Medic West Africa provides you with an opportunity for you to see the latest technologies on display and test them out all under one roof, as well as the chance to network with more than 4,200 of your healthcare industry peers.

Date: 10 - 12 Octoberber 2018

Venue: Eko Hotel Convention Centre, Lagos

Booth: # 1.F21

Event website: www.medicwestafrica.com

Erba invite for Medlab west africa


Post event Pictures:

Medic West Africa 2018 Image


Medic West Africa 2018 image


Medic West Africa 2018 Image